Michael Noone Ventures
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People Purpose & Path®

People, Purpose & Path


“Love your people; connect them with their purpose; lay out the path and walk it with them. Celebrate the results.”

People, Purpose and Path® reflects my own formulation of the essence of strategy, great leadership and organizational performance.  It consists of universal, comprehensive and proven principles, skills and wisdom. The approach is simple, practical and effective, and grounded in common sense.  People, Purpose & Path reflects the intersection of culture and productivity. High-performing businesses focus first on helping people perform at their best. Good people equals competitive advantage. My approach encompasses three core skills that effective leaders and teams much master and balance: 1) clear command (developing and implementing strategy, direction, building the organization and its culture); 2) human interdependence (thriving teams, and individuals, meaningful work); and 3) effective management (resourcing, organizing, controlling, measuring).  We will dive deeply into the proven aspects of great organizations. I have practiced each for many years and can teach you as well.  This approach provides what you need for the successful execution of your business plans and strategy, so you can thrive.