“If there is a secret to leadership, it can be found at the intersection of courage, intelligence, authenticity, humility and right action.
I develop new leaders and help seasoned leaders through transitions, enhancing their personal and professional performance. Perhaps you are beginning to understand the implications of great leadership, and that the consciousness of any organization cannot rise above the performance of its leadership. You also understand that what worked in the past and got you here, won’t get you where you want to be. The practice of a great leader is the practice of courage, intelligence, authenticity, care, trust, humility and right action. And, it requires sustained effort, awareness and deep listening. Above all else, you must inspire people to be their best.
I’m not a coach in the traditional sense. I won’t be calling plays or formations from the sidelines. Nor am I a cheerleader waving at you from the stands. I am prepared to be in the trenches with you. We will examine your strengths and weaknesses, and blindspots. There just isn’t a quick and easy formulaic approach. I will guide you through the work. The true practice of leadership of self, of others, and of the organization. When you are ready for a transformative and collaborative effort, I can provide experienced and powerful guidance on your journey. I can show you the essence of leadership and how to be a truly great leader.